
I'm the Sustainabird - leading my life with the aim of continuous increase in sustainability. To sustain myself in the ability of leading others on the path of finding themselves and how to navigate in times of environmental crisis. In my work, this is often to keep space for my clients to see and cope with the obstacles in their daily lives. To support them, to see what they are capable of, and to encourage them to enhance their experience of life and how they can view or change their surroundings. Thus generally becoming more gentle on themselves. In many cases thereby also becoming more aware of the importance of the environment they live in, generally leading to more sustainable life choices as well. 


As well as seeing clients one on one I do environmental consulting projects when possible.


The lifetime we share here is merely a drop in the vast ocean of time, but nonetheless it is of importance to value ourselves, our souls and our journeys. I also feel immense gratitude the for continuous learning through life. 


Sustainabird is my Instagram account where I share:

How well I feel from spending time and doing daily exercise in nature regardless of the weather. 

My love for natural waters in various ways!

From time to time also my thoughts and knowledge on how we can adapt to a lifestyle that is sustainable for planet Earth.